10 January 2012

What is Dramaturgy? - an Introduction

This project began as a New Year's resolution in January 2012. Over the course of the year, and maybe longer, I plan to question what dramaturgy is based on what practitioners, including myself, do as dramaturgs working in the field. It seems rather grandiose but I don't mean it to be. This 'definition' I wrote about a year and a half ago to go some way toward defining what I could do as a dramaturg. As with most things dramaturgical* is exceptionally vague. In 2010 (I think) I wrote:
"A dramaturg is a person with a knowledge of the history, theory and practice of theatre, who helps a director, designer, playwright or actor realise their intentions in a production. This can be accomplished in a myriad of ways and the dramaturg's role often shifts according to context and is always fluid. A dramaturg is an artistic consultant and literary odd-job man."
I plan to reappraise this and will look at other practitioners, talk to academics and theatre-makers and assess as honestly as I can my role as a 'dramaturg' - if that is even what I am after purporting to be one.

Next, I plan to look at other definitions and the points of view of those working in the field via the Dramaturgs' Network.
Until next time - happy 'turging.

*That is to say dramaturgical practice and roles as quantifiable ideas rather than the act of dramaturgy on a script or production.

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